
Showing posts from October, 2017

Scene Soundtrack Analysis

Scene Soundtrack Analysis Forrest Gump Ping Pong Scene James Cross Forrest is introduced into Ping Pong by another soldier and tells him to keep his eye on the ball, Forest starts to play and gets better and better the longer he plays. He plays himself mostly whilst more and more people watch every time the scene changes. Whilst this is happening Forrest is narrating over the footage and describing what is happening and why. Music  The music in the background of one of the scenes was Break on through, it has a fast tempo and the instrumentation consists of guitars, bass and a rock drum kit. The rhythm of it is kind a standard 4/4 rock beat which I think adds a sense of pace to the scene and really emphasizes how fast Forrest is playing Ping Pong. The pitch is kind of medium to high. I think the producer included it because it is a song of that time genre so it will make the audience hopefully realise what year it was but also really emphasize the impact of how fast and hard

Lighting Setup Week 5 Carousel

Lighting Setup Week 5 Carousel In the first setup we used the 3 Arri 300W to combine a total output of 900W. The lights have a medium brightness with a very wide or narrow coverage and easy to use but need gloves and sandbags as they get warm. For the second setup we used the Arri 300W lights again but setup them up differently with a rim light in the left corner, a fill light on the left and the key light which created a very flat 3d profile to the face and body and very minimal shadows.   In the 3rd setup we used 3 Redhead 800W to combine a total output of 2400W which are useful for big set productions. The lights are very bright and have a wide to medium coverage and I would say they are not the easiest to use with a difficulty of hard. The lights get incredibly hot, much hotter than the other lights so they need gloves and sandbags to prevent burn to the skin and falling over.  For the 4th setup we used 3 Dedo 150W to combine a total output of 450W. The lights hav

Psycho Shower Scene Review

Psycho Shower Scene Review For the activity we had to take the famous Psycho shower scene, download it, remove the audio in Premiere Pro then recreate the sounds to sound as similar as possible to the real film using what was given to us like a cabbage, knife water etc. From looking  back at the feedback given, the positives of our edit were that a lot of people said the screams were really realistic and good and the door closing was really well timed. What we need to work on is the timing and change the sounds of some of the things like the shower sound effect as it sounded unrealistic and just like slushing water. The screams were apparently used too much and needed to be spaced out a bit. We need to work on the editing of the sounds to make the timing more accurate. I think we gave the task a good effort though but we needed to definitely work on the editing side and recording the Foley sounds side as well. Some of the students said we needed some atmospheric music or a b

Week 4 Fashion Carousel

Week 4 Fashion Carousel This week we did the process of embroidery, dress making and hot press use as part of the fashion section of the carousel.  The tools we used were a hot press, sewing thread, needle, plastic bags and paint.  We did the process of using a hot press to paint a design like mine below onto a cardboard sheet and then used the hot press which pressed the paint into a piece of cloth.  We used plastic bags and a bodice and model to cut and shape the plastic and pin it onto the bodice and create a short skirt and straps and accessory Nike man bag as seen in the photos below.

Week 4 Assignment

Carousel Week 3 Aperture and Shutter Photos

Carousel Week 3 Aperture and Shutter Photos Aperture is the hole in the kens that lets in light and the size can be changed. The lower the F stop number the more light the lens lets in and the higher the less light let in. The lower the F stop number the shallower the depth of field so something at like F2.8 will have a creamy blurry background whereas something like F10 will have a sharp background as well as foreground. Shutter speed is the time the sensor is exposed to light by the shutter. The faster the shutter speed the less light will be let onto the sensor and vice versa. A slow shutter speed like 1/5th will let in loads of light and would likely make the subject and background less sharp because the sensor is being shown the image for a long time compared to a shutter speed of like 1/2000th. A camera lens with a very wide aperture below F3.5 will be more expensive than a kit lens because there are more parts to the lens. The photo below was shot at a faster

Psycho Shower Scene Audio Activity

Psycho Shower Scene Audio Activity We had to make sound effects to fit the shower scene in psycho and recreate it ourselves.  The function of the cue-sheets was that we could note down the time of the different sounds and note down what we could use to recreate that sound like stabbing a cabbage with a knife to sound like a person being stabbed. The cue-sheets weren't that important in our edit as we didn't have many sounds to create but in a large scale film being produced they would be essential and need to be written very detailed because there are so many sounds and different point in the timeline to insert the sounds etc. What is Foley Foley is creating sounds that sound exactly or incredibly similar to the real sound of something like a person walking through snow could be a sound effect artist using cardboard to sound like it.  We did a Foley workshop and we had to create the sound of a door being shut and a scream etc by using a door and a girl screaming.

Week 3 Carousel Interviews

Carousel Interview Week 3