Psycho Shower Scene Review

Psycho Shower Scene Review
For the activity we had to take the famous Psycho shower scene, download it, remove the audio in Premiere Pro then recreate the sounds to sound as similar as possible to the real film using what was given to us like a cabbage, knife water etc.

From looking  back at the feedback given, the positives of our edit were that a lot of people said the screams were really realistic and good and the door closing was really well timed.
What we need to work on is the timing and change the sounds of some of the things like the shower sound effect as it sounded unrealistic and just like slushing water.
The screams were apparently used too much and needed to be spaced out a bit. We need to work on the editing of the sounds to make the timing more accurate.

I think we gave the task a good effort though but we needed to definitely work on the editing side and recording the Foley sounds side as well.
Some of the students said we needed some atmospheric music or a buildup effect at the start and on going in the edit which I think they are right because it didn't have much tension or buildup in the music or sounds.

  • What went well, scream sound
  • Door Slam
  • Timing of Door slam
  • Even better if we had spaced out the scream sounds more
  • Created a walking sound effect and a better shower water falling sound


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