Scene Soundtrack Analysis

Scene Soundtrack Analysis
Forrest Gump Ping Pong Scene
James Cross

Forrest is introduced into Ping Pong by another soldier and tells him to keep his eye on the ball, Forest starts to play and gets better and better the longer he plays. He plays himself mostly whilst more and more people watch every time the scene changes. Whilst this is happening Forrest is narrating over the footage and describing what is happening and why.

The music in the background of one of the scenes was Break on through, it has a fast tempo and the instrumentation consists of guitars, bass and a rock drum kit. The rhythm of it is kind a standard 4/4 rock beat which I think adds a sense of pace to the scene and really emphasizes how fast Forrest is playing Ping Pong. The pitch is kind of medium to high. I think the producer included it because it is a song of that time genre so it will make the audience hopefully realise what year it was but also really emphasize the impact of how fast and hard the Forrest is playing Ping Pong.

The music is background music really and not a main source of the sound at all so it sets a calm but somewhat fast paced mood to it along with the fast played Ping Pong.  The narration by Forrest is the main source that sets the mood but the music adds a bit of upbeat and pace to the scene I think.

The narration by Forrest is the main dialogue throughout the whole scene and is louder than the background music so is the main source of audio. The pitch is low because its a male voice but has light tone to it as Forrest has a southern country accent. There aren't any effects though. I think the producer added this dialogue to it because it really tells the story from the perspective of the character instead of the audience watching it with just music like a montage.

Sound Effects
The sound effects present in the clip are sounds from the tv which are hyper real but mostly sounds of Forrest playing Ping Pong and the ball being hit and bouncing etc. I think these are very much real because they line up perfectly with what the audience can see and this I think helps to establish a sense of being there at that moment instead of a pre recorded fake sound.


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