Carousel Week 3 Aperture and Shutter Photos

Carousel Week 3 Aperture and Shutter Photos

Aperture is the hole in the kens that lets in light and the size can be changed. The lower the F stop number the more light the lens lets in and the higher the less light let in.
The lower the F stop number the shallower the depth of field so something at like F2.8 will have a creamy blurry background whereas something like F10 will have a sharp background as well as foreground.

Shutter speed is the time the sensor is exposed to light by the shutter. The faster the shutter speed the less light will be let onto the sensor and vice versa.
A slow shutter speed like 1/5th will let in loads of light and would likely make the subject and background less sharp because the sensor is being shown the image for a long time compared to a shutter speed of like 1/2000th.
A camera lens with a very wide aperture below F3.5 will be more expensive than a kit lens because there are more parts to the lens.

The photo below was shot at a faster shutter speed than the photo below that because the foreground and background were sharper.

As you can see in the photo below the background is blurry because I used a slow shutter speed of 1/10th I think which meant the camera also took in a lot of light.

I shot the photo below at a narrow aperture of F9 I think which is why the background and foreground are sharp but notn much light was let onto the sensor.
As you can see in the photos below the depth of field is very shallow because of a wide aperture, which I shot this at F1.8 which also brings in a lot of light.


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