Lighting Setup Week 5 Carousel

Lighting Setup Week 5 Carousel

In the first setup we used the 3 Arri 300W to combine a total output of 900W. The lights have a medium brightness with a very wide or narrow coverage and easy to use but need gloves and sandbags as they get warm.

For the second setup we used the Arri 300W lights again but setup them up differently with a rim light in the left corner, a fill light on the left and the key light which created a very flat 3d profile to the face and body and very minimal shadows. 

 In the 3rd setup we used 3 Redhead 800W to combine a total output of 2400W which are useful for big set productions. The lights are very bright and have a wide to medium coverage and I would say they are not the easiest to use with a difficulty of hard. The lights get incredibly hot, much hotter than the other lights so they need gloves and sandbags to prevent burn to the skin and falling over.

 For the 4th setup we used 3 Dedo 150W to combine a total output of 450W. The lights have a very low brightness which would be useful for a moody dark creepy hour scene with dark shadows and minimal highlights.

The lighting setup lesson taught me about how different angle and brightnesses of lighting can really affect the mood of the scene without you or the audience thinking about it and the colour and temperature can help to portray a certain emotion. Examples of this such as using a blue light gel to create a colder looking scene could show a character's sadness and a warmer red gel could portray a angry emotion in the character.



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