The Hunted Interactive website

The Hunted Interactive Film Website

Heres the link to my site:
We chose the blue and white colours because they contrast well being not too bright and harsh but standing out from the screen. The colours look professional because for example, Facebook's website has a blue and white colour scheme and it looks very sleek and professional and this is what we want to promote and show in our film and website.  

We chose to write a synopsis and place that on the homepage of the website. We did this because we think viewers would be interested in finding a little bit about the film but not giving too much details away as to leave them wanting more and wanting to watch the film. 
We chose to place a video on the homepage swell that automatically plays when you first click the website link. We did this so the viewer could get a first glance at whats in the film to tease them a bit and engage them. 
Our website is simple yet intuitive and practical. We have separate pages for Gallery, Share, Cast, Videos, Behind the Scenes, Synopsis and Trailer. We did this so we could keep everything on the pages simple and short so the viewer didn't have trouble finding something.
 Once we have created the trailer and shot more of the film we will upload the trailer to the website and post more photos onto the gallery etc. 


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