Film Genres

  • What genre would you classify your film as?
I would classify our film as a Horror film with a sprinkling of action.
  • Think of three other examples from the same genre
IT, Carrie and Scream
  • List all the things that they have in common- character types, story events, settings, etc.
They have very similar character types for example in all of them there is a murderer and a victim.
The story events are a murderer trying to murder someone. The settings of our film is inside a college and Scream and Carrie both are set inside a school etc.
Most of these elements appear in our story because there is a main murder and villain and a helpless victim and its filmed in a school like Carrie and Scream.
  • Who is the target audience for your film? How will your use of genre appeal to them? 
The target audience for our film is teenagers from age 15-18 years old that like Horror films. 

Our use of genre will appeal to them because the whole film is shot from the perspective of the murderer first person Point of View which is very unique and will make the film stand out.  
The film is also interactive as well so the viewer can choose which ending they want see how the others pan out. 


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