This Morning ITV Channel Research

This Morning-ITV
Pick a specific TV show similar in genre and format to one you would like to produce. 

Add a link to a clip from the show to your blog, then watch making notes on the following topics:
Visual Codes (describe the following elements of mise-en-scene)
Eyeliner camera shots, medium closeups, closeups, wide shots, panning shots, zoom shots.
Set/location of the production
The studio location is at The London Television Centre, 72 Upper Ground, Lambeth, London SE1 9LT
Colour pallette and tone used within the show
Warmish neutral tone throughout the whole program 
Hair and make-up
Makeup and hair on but not excessive
Smart formal dress/ shirt/ trousers
Presenters performance
Good most of the time but can get informal and out of hand if they burst into laughter and cannot contain themselves. I think the purpose of them laughing and not keeping themselves serious all the time is because they want it to be a entertaining show and to be not too formal.

Shot types
Closeups, medium closeups, wides 
Cameras are mostly central or to the side of the presenter when interviewing someone
Pan ins, pan outs, presenters mostly static but sometimes move about the studio which I think is because they are trying to engage the audience as if they were there and in a interview you would not be moving around a lot.
Most of the presenters bodies are in it, depending on the shot type their whole body from shoes to head or chest to head. I think is used because they want to keep the show formal. 
Depth of field
Deep depth of field, sharp background which I think is used because it is not a film and a chat show wouldn't really work with having very shallow cinematic scenes. 
Mostly long cuts because I think it is because the conversations and scenes are very long and it would be silly to keep switching the cameras when the presenters are not moving at all really.
Medium to slow pace. 
Not really any transitions at all which is because I think they want to keep the show laid back and its not really needed.
Continuity/editing matches (Eyeline matches?) 
The eye line matches are good.
Shot duration
Mostly long shots lasting maybe a few seconds to a few minutes which I think keeps the viewer engaged because they feel like they are a part of that.
The music
There is not a lot of music featured in the whole show and if there is then it will be just featured or background music because the show is a chat show and the purpose is to talk to and interview people

Extension - map the show's structure to a timeline:

0-32 seconds opening credits
32-50seconds presenter introduction of show..


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