Critical comparison of primary and secondary research Task 4

Critical comparison of primary and secondary research Task 4
We had to carry out primary and secondary research in preparation and planning for our multi camera TV production. For our Primary Research we made a questionnaire and for the secondary research. We made mind maps and thought of ideas of what the production could be about and in groups each came up with a few ideas then pitched them to the class and voted on the one we liked the most.
  • Introduce the overall assignment (to plan and produce a multi-camera TV production) and explain that you have had to undertake both primary and secondary research in preparation for your TV production.
  • Explain what you did for task 1 (mind maps for ideas/pitch paragraphs). For each of these activities:
- describe what they involved
- explain if they are primary or secondary research (or if they combined both). 
- what was most challenging/enjoyable/significant about each research activity?
The most challenging thing about each research activity was to think of questions to use in the questionnaire 

- compare the benefit of undertaking these two activities for your production ie how has/might the mind-mapping session benefit your production?  Is this more or less helpful than your pitch paragraph?   
The mind mapping session has benefited my production because it helped us to decide on what we would feature in the production and what sort of segments could be in it. 


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