Creating an Interview

Creating an Interview

  • Make them fell comfortable, listen for a bit longer than you would actually listen normally so the audio is clean when asking the questions.
  • Pick a good location with a good background 
  • Make the interviewee look at the interviewer 
  • Keep the eye contact 
  • Nod at the interviewee to show interest 
  • Keep the 180 degree rule to not confuse the audience
  • The 180° rule is a film guideline that says that two characters in a scene should keep the same left/right relationship to one another. If the camera passes over the line connecting the two subjects, its called crossing the line and it confuses the audience.
  • Frame the subject in the rule of thirds 
  • Leave a small gap at the top of the frame between the head and the edge of frame
  • Use manual focus and a shallow depth of field
  • Have something related to the subject the interviewee is talking about in the background if possible
  • Keep the camera at the same level as the interviewees eyes so keep subservient and dominance at a minimum


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