Evaluatation 1st Week

2. Write up your experience of the following...
2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:

Primary: Something taken first hand like an eyewitness.

Secondary: Something taken second hand like a news reporter.

2b Discuss any skills that you have tried:
I have tried to involve people with disabilities more with the task and help them by being slow and patient.

2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process,
We edited a photo in Photoshop and used the Double Exposure process and also used the method of Photoshop layering by copying CMD C and Pasting CMD V the photo of the face into the other page.



We used a photo of a close up person and zoomed in on their eye CMD +- and used the pen tool to draw around parts of the eye and then used the layering tool to colour in that part and repeated these steps with other parts of the eye to create a cartoon/animated type eye.

Audio Recorder
The tool was quite effective because you could clearly distinct the sound effect and it was easy to use the automatic mode.

We could improve the use of the tool by using the manual settings to refine the settings of the device to get a clearer sound with minimal distortion/clipping.


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