1 Min Live Pen Advert

 1 Min Live Pen Advert
  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday
  1. List under the following 

  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
  • Skills that you have tried, 
  • Any processes and methods you used.
  • Any tools that you used.
Today I helped create a one minute live video advertisement and my role as part of the tv production was to man one of the cameras by needing to focus it and zoom in to the right composition.

The skills I developed were camera zoom and focusing skills and learning and understanding more about how a Tv program and Tv production works. 

I think I could develop these skills further by using different camera movements and using a high quality camera like my own. This could also enhance the story and emotion in the scenes. 

If there was anything I would do differently about today's activity would be that I would maybe change how the scenes were shot so instead of having all static shots I would have a sliding shot and maybe a forward tracking shot. 
Here is a shot of the task we were given and a couple of shots of inside the studio when we were doing the work.


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