
Showing posts from September, 2017

Making a Gif

Making a Gif in Photoshop To make a Gif in Photoshop we opened lots of photos as a stack into a timeline then made each layer a different frame and changed the delay of each frame to short enough so that it looked like a video and not lots of glitchy photos. I created this GIF of Owen spinning a skateboard 360 degrees using a video file and creating layers from frames in the timeline animation workspace of Photoshop. 

Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer: Compare thoroughly a range of different types of media like magazine, film, photography etc to portray a meaning in creative media production. 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to las

1 Min Live Pen Advert

 1 Min Live Pen Advert Document what you did in the session on Tuesday List under the following  Research that you carry out in these sessions Skills that you have tried,  Any  processes  and   methods   you used. Any  tools  that you used. Today I helped create a one minute live video advertisement and my role as part of the tv production was to man one of the cameras by needing to focus it and zoom in to the right composition. The skills I developed were camera zoom and focusing skills and learning and understanding more about how a Tv program and Tv production works.  I think I could develop these skills further by using different camera movements and using a high quality camera like my own. This could also enhance the story and emotion in the scenes.  If there was anything I would do differently about today's activity would be that I would maybe change how the scenes were shot so instead of having all static shots I would have a sliding shot and may

1 Item Equipment Research

Item Equipment Research We had the talk about Photography and Cameras yesterday and I know lots about Photography but I don't know much about Macro Lenses so thought I would do my research on that. A Macro Lens is a lens that should be able to reproduce a life sized image onto the sensor. Good  macro lenses give a magnification factor of 1.0x or 1:1 at its closest focus setting.  The minimum focus distance of macro lenses with the same magnification factor of 1.0x gets bigger with larger lenses. Here is an example of a Macro lens and example of a Macro shot of a Snail and also a chart of the different  magnifications of different Macro lenses.

Evaluatation 1st Week

2. Write up your experience of the following... 2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: Primary: Something taken first hand like an eyewitness. Secondary: Something taken second hand like a news reporter. 2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: I have tried to involve people with disabilities more with the task and help them by being slow and patient. 2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, We edited a photo in Photoshop and used the Double Exposure process and also used the method of Photoshop layering by copying CMD C and Pasting CMD V the photo of the face into the other page.   Illustrator  We used a photo of a close up person and zoomed in on their eye CMD +- and used the pen tool to draw around parts of the eye and then used the layering tool to colour in that part and repeated these steps with other parts of the eye to create a cartoon/animated type eye. Audio Rec

Investigating Design Too Kits- Photoshop

Investigating Design Tool Kits  Photoshop means to me as a Media Student is that its a great way of photo processing and creating textures. Using Photoshop-Double Exposure F key equals Fullscreen Tab key hides the toolbars Non Destructive Editing Command A means Select All Manipulating a image but 

Investigating Design Tool Kits- Maya 3D

Investigating Design Tool Kits- Maya 3D Animation Autodesk Maya is a 3D modelling software for film. Setup Maya to use w9th a one button mouse.

Investigting Design Tool Kits- Illustrator

Investigating Design Tool Kits- Illustrator Photoshop is resolution dependant whereas Illustrator is resolution independant. We used the layering tools and the pen tool to draw over the different parts of the eye and then use the eye dropper to give each part a colour similar to the parts of the eye.

Serial Killer Edit Review

Serial Killer Edit Review I learnt how to better use low quality cameras and make a film better by focusing more on the story instead of equipment side. I learnt about what technical codes means. Things I would improve on would be the cut scenes in the film by shortening them to keep the audiences attention focused on the film. I would also use more sound effects if I had more time. What I liked about my film is the story because the buildup had lots of tension with the killer having this silent but also loud way of moving.