
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Hunted Interactive website

The Hunted Interactive Film Website Heres the link to my site: We chose the blue and white colours because they contrast well being not too bright and harsh but standing out from the screen. The colours look professional because for example, Facebook's website has a blue and white colour scheme and it looks very sleek and professional and this is what we want to promote and show in our film and website.   We chose to write a synopsis and place that on the homepage of the website. We did this because we think viewers would be interested in finding a little bit about the film but not giving too much details away as to leave them wanting more and wanting to watch the film.  We chose to place a video on the homepage swell that automatically plays when you first click the website link. We did this so the viewer could get a first glance at whats in the film to tease them a bit and engage them.  Our website is simple yet intuitive an

Relationship between audio and Picture Stuart

Audio-Picture Relationship analysis James Cross The Film clip I have chosen is when Forrest Gump meets Jenny for the first time on the bus in the film Forrest Gump. Here is a link to the film clip: The clip starts off with Forrest sitting on a bench, talking about how he has forgotten about things that first ever happened to him. Non diegetic sound is very present in this clip. Throughout the clip, the audience can hear a soft violin being played which really makes the audience feel the warmth and happiness felt by Forrest as he meets Jenny for the first time. The non diegetic music is happy and gets more dramatic but not overly dramatic as Jenny says “you can sit here if you want”. The non diegetic music is timed perfectly with Forrest shocked in awe and euphoria as he sees Jenny’s face for the first time. It is an iconic, important part in the film because it really sets the emotion in the scene and I think the director intended to

Task 4 Plan

post that explains your role and what you have done towards that role Maximum 500 words My role was to create the website and make  Layout ideas and  Mock designs . Instead of making mock designs and layout ideas I asked Megan and Emily what colours and how they think we should lay it out. We chose to go with a blocky blue and white colour scheme for the website and online portrayal of the film. We created the film in Wix with most of the work being done by me. Here is the link to our website: I t 

Interactive Book House of Danger

House of Danger Interactive Book We chose to wait for Ricardo and Lisa first as we thought having backup would help us instead of travelling straight to the address. The next choice was to either go to the prison or to the police. We chose to go to the police and we chose that because we thought they could help. The stories are more complicated than standard stories. There is not too much choice as for most of the choices there were 2 or 3 things to choose from. These choices affect my understanding of characters and their psychology 

Editing my website photo

Editing Website Photo First I obviously imported the photo into Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015 on my laptop, applied the lens corrections and profiles for the lens used, removed chromatic aberration , added a bit of contrast, sharpening, clarity, vibrance, shadows, and blacks. I decreased the highlights, whites and a little bit of vignetting to focus in on the subject being my face. Here is the before and after of the photo I edited.

Film Genres

Genres What genre would you classify your film as? I would classify our film as a Horror film with a sprinkling of action. Think of three other examples from the same genre IT, Carrie and Scream List all the things that they have in common- character types, story events, settings, etc. They have very similar character types for example in all of them there is a murderer and a victim. The story events are a murderer trying to murder someone. The settings of our film is inside a college and Scream and Carrie both are set inside a school etc. Most of these elements appear in our story because there is a main murder and villain and a helpless victim and its filmed in a school like Carrie and Scream. Who is the target audience for your film? How will your use of genre appeal to them?  The target audience for our film is teenagers from age 15-18 years old that like Horror films.  Our use of genre will appeal to them because the whole film is shot from the