
Showing posts from January, 2018

Film Research websites

Image You can watch the trailer, see the cast and crew and the gallery You can check out the book and register for updates Follow facebook twitter and instagram buttons and get updates The start page is of the film trailer You can buy tickets, look at games and apps and news Can see videos and tv shows You can watch the trailer, buy tickets, see the synopsis You can check out the gallery, watch the videos and share the film online Visit Twitter, Facebook and get ticket buttons You can visit videos, about, featured content, gallery, posters, related movies and awards You can watch the trailer, see the products they sell Can buy tickets The main home page is part of disney and does not have its dedicated url and features a clickable trailer

Task 3 evaluation

From your findings in task 1 and 2, on your blog write a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 800 words. Write a word comparison/evaluation on how the social media platforms like twitter, instagram, facebook snapchat and youtube are used by audiences and institutions to access and deliver specific information. Use your own examples as well as examples from the film sites that you looked at in task 2. You need to discuss 2. Discuss how a film audience uses social media to access and deliver information about the film they are seeing/ discussing. Discuss how a film company uses social media to access and deliver information about the film they have produced. From Task 1 the information I got was that most people in fact 80% of all that I asked said they used You Tube the most to watch Film Trailers. This helps me a lot because it gives a clear indication as an idea of what platform to advertise the film we are creating the most. I asked people if they used Snapchat, Facebook, Ins

Task 4 The Hunted

Target audience What content is the target audience looking for Our target audience is people from age 14 to 18 with an age rating of 15. The target audience is men and women that like horror films.  What type of content do they tend to view and  share. They tend to view jump scares, big buildups, which actors and actresses are in the cast, what other people think of the film etc.  What questions are they asking? They are asking questions like who is in the film, what is the synopsis, where it is it being shown and what do people their age think of it and the general opinions surrounding it.  We could use the hashtag   #thehuntedif because it currently does not have any tags on Instagram to promote and share our film.  On the website for the film I think we should have a 360 panorama that has clickable buttons showing information about the film. I also think we should have a trailer that is mainly the background for the film on the landing page and then the

Unit 7 Investigating Wix and Weebly

As part of unit 7 we will work in teams to produce a group website to promote our  interactive film. We tested out using the website builders, Wix and Weebly. I personally think they are both great but both difficult to use. I would say Weebly was slightly easier to use.

Social Media Audit Template


Film survey Unit 7 ting
