
Showing posts from March, 2018

Evaluation post on effectiveness of online presence

7. Evaluation Post  on Blog of the effectiveness of the online presence created. Unfortunately I cannot comment on any of the questions down below as the site tracker tools and google analytics cost and we were not able to utilise those in our website so we could not see any data from people viewing our website.  Does anyone visit your site? if not why not? How can you improve traffic? see link below Where are people clicking the most on your site? Why? Anything else you can comment on

Website survey changes

Website survey changes The changes we made on our website from the feedback we got were that we changed some of the photos on the gallery as Emily did not like them of here face and we removed one of the menu buttons as to decluster the website and make it more minimal and pleasing to the eye and we added a take a tour button which shows more interactive content on a separate page which we thought would give the viewer a interesting experience on the panorama . 

5th March Update

5th March Update  James Cross Unfortunately because of the bad weather last week, it meant we could not film the rest of my segment and start filming Megan and Emily's segments. This means The parts of the video I will include are the main bits that have the tense buildups and the main important scenes because they will be the scenes that keep the viewer engaged and interested in the film. - What additional footage/images etc will you include and why I will get additional footage and images for the behind the scenes photos and clips so the audience gets an understanding of how the video was shot and edited.  I need to record sounds effects of Megan to overdub into the film because the sounds will increase the tension and add to atmosphere. 3. Upload any behind the scenes videos/pictures that you took during production to the relevant pages/social media sites you have set up